Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun with MS Paint

Collages by me, images downloaded via google


Warped Coasters said...

ever spent an entire afternoon making collages on Microsoft paint? more to follow ...

Amber said...

is that sophia loren?

Abby said...

To answer your question: only when I've been abusing substances. It appears you can relate.

Warped Coasters said...

holding the big spoons? I dunno, I spent a few hours surfing the Web looking for old magazine advertisements. That collage is now named "Soilent Green," see if you can tell why. It does kinda look like Loren tho

odaniemb said...

hahaha ed these look like album covers that pan across the screen while listening to an indie rock station on pandora. nice work dude

Warped Coasters said...

thanks duder, that was the general style i was going for