Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I will never get tired of Office Space, ever, and Idiocracy wasn't too shabby either. So I'm pretty damn excited about this, Mike Judge's return to the work place. This trailer is really funny:

Is Ben Affleck mounting a comeback? He looks funny in this. His 2007 directorial debut, Gone Baby Gone, was widely praised, deservedly, his current flick in theaters, State of Play, has received fairly good reviews and did better at the box office than expected. Other than his shenanigans off-camera with Jenny from the block, and turns in a bunch of shitty movies, I thought the general hate for Affleck was undeserved. He'll always get my respect if for nothing else than his part as the ultimate douche bag in Mallrats.

1 comment:

Amber said...

You know, I didn't really like Idiosyncracy. I liked the concept, but I think it's just Luke Wilson...